Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Estoy aquí....

Hola todos!

I am officially in South America. My flight yesterday went pretty well - literally 5 minutes in Miami and we found all the other UNC kids in the program, plus another girl who goes to NC State. The second plane was fun - they played Eat, Pray, Love, which I thought was symbolic and then served a delicious meal of pasta and chicken, salad, bread, and juice. Unfortunately, the turbulence was terrible and I ate way too much and I started feeling sick.... I jumped out of my seat and ran to the back, but both bathrooms were occupied and lo and behold, I could barely mutter "I'm gonna be sick" to the flight attendants and promptly threw up a few times. They managed to get a bag in front of me kind of in time. Gross. Anyway, I felt great after that and landed and found my host family, who are so so so nice! They live right in the city in a beautiful house which is, like all other houses around here separated from the road by a large wall. The house is really big and gorgeous and I have my own room and bathroom! I feel so spoiled. I even have my own TV in my bedroom, and wifi which is how I'm writing now.

I was a little sick last night and starting to feel a little peaky again. I've been drinking out of my super filter water bottle but it may have failed me, who knows. This morning I slept in late, completely exhausted and also scared out of my mind because I realized I was in South America but while I was asleep I could pretend I was back at home and cozy. So I kept closing my eyes again. But when I got up, I got ready, ate breakfast with my host family, and then my host mom Maggie showed me how to use the bus system. It seems doable but a little daunting... those buses take off whether or not all your limbs are on the inside! And they creak and lurch and everybody here honks their horns all the time!

But the views are absolutely astonishing... just the bus ride to my campus had me holding my breath in sheer wonder - the mountains are giant and the vegetation is just different enough to keep your attention. And even the city itself, though not super picturesque, has so much to look at. Absolutely fascinating. Luckily since I dyed my hair dark before coming, I fade in quite nicely, except when I open my mouth, and as I've discovered my Spanish is seriously lacking. But I'm trying everything - new words, new foods, and I've only been here one day.

It's gonna take a while to get used to everything. Everything is great so far but it's so different that I know how happy I'll be when I return. Anyway, school hasn't even started yet, that's going to keep my attention for a good long while.

Also, I found out the Galapagos Islands class I'm taking has a field trip..... after the semester is over :( So it just doesn't seem to be an option right now. I'm gonna try to figure something out.

Okay, so I just had merienda (dinner) with my family... we had ceviche y juego de tomates - delicious soup and "tomato" juice but what they call tomatoes here actually sweet fruits. Really tasty:) My host dad showed me an Ecuadorian cookbook and showed me all the things he wants me to try... including cuy and caldo de patas (guinea pig and cow hoove's soup.) BRING IT ON!

Then I gave them my gifts and told them a bit about Carolina del Norte and then we took a bunch of pictures. Coming soon :)

Anyway, it's time I posted this. Can't wait to hear from everyone!

Adios :)



  1. AWESOME!!!
    You forgot to tell us about your "siblings" ;)
    When does school start and what are you doing til then?

  2. I have heard that cuy is actually really good!
